
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hospital Courage Beads

Living in a misty fog
Between hope and reality
The added beads seemed to log
The fight against futility

With every needle stick,
Added tube, and new test
Came a courage bead to pick
To string with all the rest

Days became weeks and then months
A pump worked for the heart
For a donor, the Doctor hunts
The cost... tears one a part

The long strand adorned a tree
Christmas slowly came and went
Cheering up this family
The now six months they have spent

Then, and suddenly
A donor's match was found
Proving, lovingly
For, on Valentines, to her it was bound

Beads of Courage Celebrating Child Life Month
Pondering the family in Oregon with five children- all with heart conditions
dilated cardiomyopathy

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