
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Stand Strong with your Armor On

It used to be that sin
Had to be sought for
Well not anymore
Sin lies at the door

Picture yourself a knight
Defending the castle gate
Trained and prepared to fight
Against aggressors that wait

Withstand the evil day
Be found firm, steadfast, and
Strong with the shield of faith,
Armor, and sword in hand

Gird your loins with God's truth
To your breast, righteousness
Let your feet be well shod, too
To battle wickedness

Quench the fiery darts
That would, to you, destroy
Your shield of faith imparts
Great power to deploy

With a helmet to your head
Recognize temptation
With the sword of truth look ahead
Toward your salvation

Gospel truths abide forever
And do not succumb to pressure
Though the world may grow more clever
It's our covenants that we treasure

I had a wonderful time writing this in the waiting room of the temple.  It is always a pleasure to see wedding groups pass by.
Elder Robert D. Hales
Stand Strong in Holy Places
Ensign, May 2013

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