
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hi I'm Kelly | Mormon | 2SQM

Hi I'm Kelly | Mormon | 2SQM

Why don’t women hold the priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? How do Mormon women lead in the Church?

Kelly answered...
I have been pondering how women and men are different and how the priesthood relates to this. I think of a loving heavenly Father putting a perfect plan in place for us to come to know Him. For us to need each other and to serve each other so home can be a little bit of heaven on earth. 

 Men hold the priesthood, yes.
To be the hands and voice of God.
 Not to control but to bless 
As a vehicle of service to all.

Women bear, nurture, and school 
Teaching children their worth. 
Her divine role is beautiful 
As a vessel, she is fruitful. 

 The man cannot bless himself 
Nor can the woman "do it all." 
Each are in need of the others help 
To fulfill their parental call.

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