
Sunday, March 3, 2013

None Were with Him - An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on Christ

Jesus shouldered alone
The burden of our salvation
He knew He would atone
And furthered His preparation!

But, could even He, perceive what lay at hand
To suffer intellectually and  physically;
Could He fully anticipate the demand
On Him both emotionally and spiritually?

That concluding descent
Into paralyzing dispair
With all our sins present
Ever there is naught to compare!

The divine withdrawal
Into ultimate loneliness
When He cried, "My God, My God!"
In utter forsakenness

Certainly the once wide circle
Of support, narrowed but more
Till He was the loneliest of all people
Without companionship or comfort

This lonely journey back to the Father
Required that all of this be so
All of our human frailties to gather
That every affliction, He would know

What it is like to sin
He who had never spoken ill
Or touched an unclean thing
Had to know how we as humans feel

Then finally, and mercifully
 Against all odds it was finished
Where death had once held sway fully
His resurrection was witnessed!

He bought joyful, spiritual redemption
At a price that we cannot fathom
Offering mercy, without exception
The Savior paid, in full, our ransom

Because Jesus walked this long
Lonely path all alone
He can make right every wrong
And for each one of us atone

This great consolation to know
Is for every heart to seek
Let it never again be so
That He is alone Easter week

Passover Thursday with its Paschal Lamb
Atoning Friday with its cross
Resurrection Sunday with its empty tomb
May we remember at all cost

May we declare ourselves to be
His disciples for always
In deed, courage, and in faith may we
Stand by Him in all ways

In all times and in all things
And in all places even unto death
For He did so alone, suffering
Entirely and utterly alone unto death

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