
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hold On to Your Values

Hold on to your values
Let them stick to you
That whatever the news
They teach you anew

What would you put as number 1?  How would you prioritize them?  How would you use each in a sentence?

  1. Anticipation
  2. Appreciation
  3. Approachability
  4. Approval
  5. Assurance
  6. Attentiveness
  7. Attractiveness
  8. Availability
  9. Awareness
  10. Awe
  11. Balance
  12. Beauty
  13. Being the best
  14. Belonging
  15. Benevolence
  16. Boldness
  17. Bravery
  18. Brilliance
  19. Buoyancy
  20. Calmness
  21. Camaraderie
  22. Candor
  23. Capability
  24. Care
  25. Carefulness
  26. Certainty
  27. Challenge
  28. Change
  29. Charity
  30. Chastity
  31. Cheerfulness
  32. Clarity
  33. Cleanliness
  34. Clear-mindedness
  35. Closeness
  36. Comfort
  37. Commitment
  38. Community
  39. Compassion
  40. Confidence
  41. Connection
  42. Contribution
  43. Conviction
  44. Country
  45. Courage
  46. Courtesy
  47. Creativity
  48. Curiosity
  49. Decisiveness
  50. Delight
  51. Dependability
  52. Depth
  53. Desire
  54. Determination
  55. Devotion
  56. Devoutness
  57. Dignity
  58. Diligence
  59. Direction
  60. Dreaming
  61. Duty
  62. Education
  63. Empathy
  64. Encouragement
  65. Endurance
  66. Energy
  67. Enjoyment
  68. Entertainment
  69. Enthusiasm
  70. Excellence
  71. Expediency
  72. Experience
  73. Faith
  74. Family
  75. Fearlessness
  76. Fidelity
  77. Firmness
  78. Fitness
  79. Flow
  80. Fluency
  81. Focus
  82. Fortitude
  83. Frankness
  84. Freedom
  85. Friendliness
  86. Friendship
  87. Fun
  88. Generosity
  89. Gentility
  90. Giving
  91. Grace
  92. Gratitude
  93. Gregariousness
  94. Growth
  95. Guidance
  96. Happiness
  97. Harmony
  98. Health
  99. Heart
  100. Helpfulness
  101. Holiness
  102. Honesty
  103. Honor
  104. Hopefulness
  105. Hospitality
  106. Humility
  107. Imagination
  108. Impact
  109. Impartiality
  110. Independence
  111. Individuality
  112. Industry
  113. Influence
  114. Ingenuity
  115. Inspiration
  116. Integrity
  117. Intellect
  118. Intelligence
  119. Intimacy
  120. Introspection
  121. Involvement
  122. Joy
  123. Justice
  124. Kindness
  125. Knowledge
  126. Leadership
  127. Learning
  128. Liberty
  129. Love
  130. Loyalty
  131. Making a difference
  132. Marriage
  133. Mastery
  134. Maturity
  135. Meaning
  136. Meekness
  137. Modesty
  138. Obedience
  139. Openness
  140. Optimism
  141. Order
  142. Organization
  143. Patience
  144. Passion
  145. Peace
  146. Perseverance
  147. Persistence
  148. Preparedness
  149. Purity
  150. Recognition
  151. Recreation
  152. Refinement
  153. Reflection
  154. Relief
  155. Religiousness
  156. Reputation
  157. Resilience
  158. Resolution
  159. Resolve
  160. Resourcefulness
  161. Respect
  162. Responsibility
  163. Rest
  164. Restraint
  165. Reverence
  166. Sacredness
  167. Sacrifice
  168. Saintliness
  169. Self-control
  170. Selflessness
  171. Self-reliance
  172. Self-respect
  173. Sensitivity
  174. Service
  175. Sharing
  176. Simplicity
  177. Sincerity
  178. Soundness
  179. Spirituality
  180. Steadfastness
  181. Support
  182. Sympathy
  183. Teaching
  184. Temperance
  185. Thankfulness
  186. Thoughtfulness
  187. Trust
  188. Trustworthiness
  189. Truth
  190. Understanding
  191. Unflappability
  192. Uniqueness
  193. Unity
  194. Usefulness
  195. Valor
  196. Vigor
  197. Virtue
  198. Vision
  199. Vitality
  200. Volunteering
  201. Warmheartedness
  202. Warmth
  203. Watchfulness
  204. Wholesomeness
  205. Willingness
  206. Wisdom
  207. Wonder
  208. Worthiness
  209. see
  210. This list was taken from a list of more than 400 values at:

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