
Friday, January 4, 2013

We Must Work Relentlessly and Together

Like a sunflower that follows the sun
We have to keep track of our little ones
In the wrong among wrongs some now lay
Defenseless against those who prey

There is no other answer
But to counter their attacks
Out of patient righteous anger
We must probe through any cracks

Children exploited and exposed...
The perpetrators must get locked away
To frame them, "set ups" must be posed
And films viewed, there is no other way

Relentlessly and together
We must expand as a team
To make arrests wherever
Hard evidence is agreed

I've known someone who was arrested.  Married with children.  The wife was arrested later.  This is a huge problem.  This man had "collected" more films than a normal person could view in a lifetime. There are that many films out there.  These unnamed children. Some who are now adults.
"We have to attack child exploitation relentlessly and together. There is no other way, there is no other answer," Morton said. "It is a wrong among wrongs. We are literally defending the defenseless."
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