
Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Resolution for 2013

I've heard it be said
That the stocking should hold
Your goal to be read
When next Christmas unfolds

As a gift to the babe
That lasts the whole year
To preserve and to save
His memory near

Where will I stand?
Who will I be?
When comes the grand
Two thousand thirteen

Dynamic goal setting
Is well founded that's true
But not if your'e forgetting
The spiritual side too

The Savior modeled
The way we should live
For each prayer mattered
Like a gift, sweet to give

So prayer is my goal
To meekly submit
To improve my soul
And to not forget

So on my heart and on paper
I've written and placed
From my love for the Savior
This goal I've embraced

As a gift to the babe
That lasts the whole year
To preserve and to save
His love I feel near

In my stocking with care
Is the best gift of all
One that is always there
My prayers great and small

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