
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost

The sick feeling in the gut
That scares you with unease
Is the loss of the Spirit
As from the room it flees

Stand in holy places
And flee from all the rest
The good that one embraces
Brings warmth into the breast

Mother Hears her Daughter's Heart Beat One Last Time

The sound of life itself
A healthy heart beat
Donated to help
Another but asleep
To live a strong life that's sweet

See A Pearl Farm in China by The Pearl Girls

The birth of a pearl
Is a miraculous thing
From an oyster to unfurl
A grain, a treasure to be

See the pearl shimmer 
with a soft inner glow
Unlike any other gem 
the earth holds to show

With a luster of white
See it reflect and refract 
All the colors of light

See the Young Women
Inwardly aglow
Each prized in heaven
With beauty to grow

Her luster of virtue
From being washed clean
Is bright for the future
Like celestial crystalline

The birth of a pearl is truly a miraculous event. Unlike gemstones or precious metals that must be mined from the earth, pearls are grown by live oysters far below the surface of the sea. Gemstones must be cut and polished to bring out their beauty. But pearls need no such treatment to reveal their loveliness. They are born from oysters complete -- with a shimmering iridescence, lustre and soft inner glow unlike any other gem on earth.

A natural pearl begins its life as a foreign object, such as a parasite or piece of shell that accidentally lodges itself in an oyster's soft inner body where it cannot be expelled. To ease this irritant, the oyster's body takes defensive action. The oyster begins to secrete a smooth, hard crystalline substance around the irritant in order to protect itself. This substance is called "nacre." As long as the irritant remains within its body, the oyster will continue to secrete nacre around it, layer upon layer. Over time, the irritant will be completely encased by the silky crystalline coatings. And the result, ultimately, is the lovely and lustrous gem called a pearl.

How something so wondrous emerges from an oyster's way of protecting itself is one of nature's loveliest surprises. For the nacre is not just a soothing substance. It is composed of microscopic crystals of calcium carbonate, aligned perfectly with one another, so that light passing along the axis of one crystal is reflected and refracted by another to produce a rainbow of light and color.

Cultured pearls share the same properties as natural pearls. Oysters form cultured pearls in an almost identical fashion. The only difference is a person carefully implants the irritant in the oyster, rather than leaving it to chance. We then step aside and let nature create its miracle.

How Rare a Possession - The Book of Mormon (Full Movie)

A farmer laid
In the bowels of the earth
His fruits sustained
By a spiritual birth

To then spring up
For branching forth
From a strong trunk
To tower once more

And God sent down
To lodge there secure
In the branches grown
Gospel fruit made pure

Come, Follow Me

The Young Women teach
To fulfill their destiny
With divinity in each
They've virtue for refining

Come, Follow Me

Let the Young Men lead
As their duty to God
For potential in deed
Their opportunities broad

Come, Follow Me

Through preparation
The path is made known
For our education
To act on love shown

Sunday, December 30, 2012


The sick feeling in the gut
That scares you with unease
Is the loss of the Spirit
As from the room it flees

Stand in holy places
And flee from all the rest
The good that one embraces
Brings warmth into the breast


Always there is a witness
Always He is with us
Promising deliverance
Offering as we trust

His peace to give unto you
His Light to shine with truth
His Word to hold on to
Line upon line, to improve

Quiet Contemplation

Quiet contemplation
Over the course of our lives
Whispers inspiration
As we seek for truth and light

Having a bright hope
Pressing forward in virtue
Trusting there is help to cope
As we spiritually fine tune

We Oft Walk on Water

We oft walk on water
Against the mighty storm
As we trust in Heavenly Father
With His works to perform

But, feeling inadequate
Emotionally we sink
As from prayers we quit
And spiritually we shrink

So pray continually
And vow to never give in
To feeling down and lonely
For we are strong with Him


Places in your mind
And goodness to find


Where through no fault of your own
You have been dealt with plenty
For which the Lord did atone


Moral character
Is shown in the act
Thus it is placed in the word
To not forget this fact

A Blanket of Love on the Home

A blanket of love
Covers the home
When the Spirit is there
From care that is shown

Clueless and Insensitive

Clueless, insensitive
And mostly selfishly we live
Jesus knows the mortal trail we leave
And waits to comforts those who grieve

Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Book of Mormon Poem

A Book of Mormon Poem

Check out this poem... of the Book of Mormon

How can a book so precious
Remain on a shelf
When the world is so dangerous
 And I am always in need of help

 Click on the title to read an awesome poem by a  great BYU  teacher.

My Resolution for 2013

I've heard it be said
That the stocking should hold
Your goal to be read
When next Christmas unfolds

As a gift to the babe
That lasts the whole year
To preserve and to save
His memory near

Where will I stand?
Who will I be?
When comes the grand
Two thousand thirteen

Dynamic goal setting
Is well founded that's true
But not if your'e forgetting
The spiritual side too

The Savior modeled
The way we should live
For each prayer mattered
Like a gift, sweet to give

So prayer is my goal
To meekly submit
To improve my soul
And to not forget

So on my heart and on paper
I've written and placed
From my love for the Savior
This goal I've embraced

As a gift to the babe
That lasts the whole year
To preserve and to save
His love I feel near

In my stocking with care
Is the best gift of all
One that is always there
My prayers great and small

It Is Never Ever Past Too Late

It is never ever past too late
In the race of giving our all
To rise up well from our fallen state
And answer our Redeemer's call.

It is never ever past too late
To cleave to the gospel He gave:
The Atonement, the narrow gate,
And His abiding grace to save!

A new year fast approaches
And so we oft reflect
And seek out the best coaches
For our betterment.

Then by the graceful hand of God
Someone is placed at our feet
With the training, from where we've stalled
That resolutions we might meet.
"For any whose lives are not in order, remember, it is never too late to make the Savior’s Atonement the foundation of our faith and lives."

"The Race" by D. H. Groberg

Quit, give up, you're beaten,”
they shout at me and plead.
“There's just too much against you now, 
this time you can't succeed!”
And as I start to hang my head
in front of failures face,
my downward fall is broken
by the memory of a race.
And hope refills my weakened will
as I recall that scene.
For just the thought of that short race
rejuvenates my being.
A children's race, young boys, young men,
how I remember well.
Excitement sure, but also fear
It wasn't hard to tell.
They all lined up so full of hope
each thought to win the race
or tie for first, or if not that
at least take second place.
And fathers watched from off the side,
each cheering for his son.
And each boy hoped to show his dad
that he would be the one.
The whistles blew, and off they went
young hearts and hopes afire.
To win, to be the hero there
was each young boy’s desire.
And one boy in particular
whose dad was in the crowd,
was running in the lead and thought,
“My dad will be so proud!”
But as they speeded down the field
across a shallow dip
the little boy who thought to win,
lost his step and slipped.
Trying hard to catch himself
his hands flew out in brace
and mid the laughter of the crowd,
he fell flat on his face.
So down he fell and with him hope,
he couldn't win, not now.
Embarrassed, sad, he only wished
to disappear somehow.
But as he fell, his dad stood up,
and showed his anxious face, 
which to the boy so clearly said;
get up and win the race.
He quickly rose, no damage done,
behind a bit that's all,
and ran with all his might and mind
to make up for the fall.
So anxious to restore himself,
to catch up and to win,
his mind went faster than his legs,
he slipped and fell again.
He wished then he had quit before,
with only one disgrace.
“I'm hopeless as a runner now,
I shouldn't try to race.”
But in the laughing crowd he searched,
and found his father's face.
That steady look that said again,
“Get up and win the race!”
So he jumped to try again,
Ten yards behind the last.
“If I'm going to gain those yards, 
I've gotta move real fast!”
Exerting everything he had
he regained eight or ten.
But trying so hard to catch the lead
he slipped and fell again.
Defeat! He lay there silently;
all hope had fled away.
“So far behind, so error prone
I can't make it all the way.”
“I've lost, so what's the use,” he thought
“I'll live with the disgrace.”
But then, he thought about his dad
who soon, he'd have to face.
“Get up,” an echo sounded low,
‘Get up and take your place.
You weren't meant for failure here,
get up and win the race.”
With borrowed will, “Get up,” it said.
“You haven't lost at all
for winning is no more than this;
to rise each time you fall.”
So up he rose to run once more,
and with anew commit.
He resolved that win or lose,
at least he wouldn't quit.

Three times he'd fallen, stumbling,
three times he rose again,
Now he gave it all he had
and ran as though to win.
They cheered the winning runner
as he crossed the line first place
head high, and proud and happy
no falling, no disgrace.
But when the fallen youngster
crossed the line last place,
the crowd gave him the greater cheer
for finishing the race!
And even though he came in last
with head bowed low, unproud,
you would have thought he won the race
to listen to the crowd.
And to his dad he sadly said
“I didn't do so well.”
“To me you won,” his father said.
“You rose each time you fell.”
And now when things seem dark and hard
and difficult to face,
the memory of that little boy
helps me in my race.
For all of life is like that race
with ups and downs and all,
and all you have to do to win
is rise each time you fall.
“Quit, give up, your beaten!”
They still shouted in my face.
But another voice within me says,
“Get up and win the race!”

Friday, December 28, 2012

Pinterest Science Project

Pinterest to the rescue
Now I have my Science Fair
Hope the results work on cue
For it's a great lesson to share

Life is enduring
And blesses the whole earth
Truth for measuring
Preserving its great worth

What effect does ground cover have on runoff and erosion?

Prove Me and Tithe

Prove me now herewith
Saith the Lord of host
If I will not open
The windows of Heaven

Bring ye all the tithes
Into the storehouse
Even in trying times
For there in is promise

Prepare and make room
For blessings will come
In richness of bloom
The greatest is love

 Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the atithes into the storehouse, that there may bebmeat in mine house, and cprove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not dopen you the ewindows of heaven, and pour you out a fblessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Alphabetical List

Alphabetical List

check out this wonderful poet Nicholas Gordon

I think he wrote this (my new favorite poem):

Mothers Are The Sweetest by Nick Gordon

Our mother is the sweetest
Most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise
Than angels can recall.

She's not only beautiful
But passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise
As one who has lived long.

Her love is like the rush of life,
A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid light
And makes the mountains sing.

And makes the meadows turn to flower
And trees to choicest fruit.
She is at once the field and bower
In which our hearts take root.

She is at once the sea and shore,
Our freedom and our past.
With her we launch our daring ships
Yet keep the things that last.
Nick Gordon

A Limb Has Fallen From Our Tree

A limb has fallen from our tree
I keep thinking it cannot be
One less branch to keep us strong
One less branch to lean upon

A season comes and then a year
And still I wish my sweet branch near
Yet, from this hole, the sun shines through
Oh branch,  I know more light because of you

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kelly's List that Won't Get Lost This Time Adjectives for Acrostic Poems

One of my favorite Young Women activities was when we sat in a circle and offered qualities we appreciated in each other. It then becomes fun to make an acrostic with your name.































































































 fast learner


































 journey bound















 law abiding


level headed



 long suffering
























































 problem solver





































 team builder



 ultra nice




















 willing worker





 young at heart








