
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Of Regrets and Resolutions

A nurse of the terminally ill
Found common storms of regret
Flooding patients of what they would to fulfill...
If a miracle would just let

If I could turn back the clouds of time
And erase my greatest regrets
Skies of potential I would climb
Happily, with love as my jets

 A nurse who cares for the terminally ill says that she has often asked a simple question of her patients as they prepared to depart this life.
“Do you have any regrets?” she would ask.2Being so close to that final day of mortality often gives clarity to thought and provides insight and perspective. So when these people were asked about their regrets, they opened their hearts. They reflected about what they would change if only they could turn back the clock.
As I considered what they had said, it struck me how the foundational principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ can affect our life’s direction for good, if only we will apply them.
There is nothing mysterious about the principles of the gospel. We have studied them in the scriptures, we have discussed them in Sunday School, and we have heard them from the pulpit many times. These divine principles and values are straightforward and clear; they are beautiful, profound, and powerful; and they can definitely help us to avoid future regrets.

I Wish I Had Spent More Time with the People I Love

I Wish I Had Lived Up to My Potential

I Wish I Had Let Myself Be Happier

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