
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments the Lord gave us
To tutor us as His people
They are attainable as we trust
That the Master knows each pupil

With our love for God before all else
We will not be disappointed
For He loves perfectly and does help
Through His Son we are anointed

A drop at a time to be more like Him
To follow the path He has laid
Back to our Father who art in Heaven
Through our eternal covenants made

We, His people are quick to sin
So He gave to us His Sabbath
A day to start over, to follow Him
And, to repent of each bad habit

Other Gods, we shall have none
Nor any graven image
Swearing His name is never done
Though popularity does wage

What we shall do is recognize
Good things come to those who pray
And not covet what's before our eyes
Or feel lust in any way

We shall not judge or wish ill
Or be haughty with another
Tempering each thought lest we kill
The heart and soul of a brother

Lastly and greatly let us love
The parents of our youth
While giving thanks to God above
That we live in the days of truth

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