
Monday, September 3, 2012

She Was Not Through

She walked in the dark mist
To breathe in the damp air
But staying too long
It curled her long hair

Now, soaked to the skin
She began to sniff
Her clothes were too thin
A sound... scared her stiff

Close steps on the gravel
Alerted her ears
Which way should she travel?
To where the mist clears

A man or a beast
Was following her
Which way was the East?
She could not be sure

She must think, be quick
Should she run or hide?
Her fear became thick
She would have to decide

A prayer cleared her head
A warmth flowed inside
She turned around and said,
"God is on my side."

The man, so confused
Went another way
She, though, was not through
And prayed, from that day...

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