
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who Am I?

Who am I to receive something so beautiful,
So incredible before my face?
Who am I to taste of love, purely wondeful
In the scriptures, sweet to embrace?

The words so tailor made, just for me
I'm blessed with peace and joy to feel
I know unseen hands lead me to read
I am so grateful for this meal

For this feast, I pray, I kneel
For this comfort that does heal
Who am I? Yes. Who am I?

Who am I to be a member of His own church?
His fulness to find upon the earth
Who am I to know His love for me as I search
And witness anew joy and rebirth?

Living water does flow out from heaven
His covenants bless me to be pure
Through the priesthood that comes from Him
His Spirit lights me to endure

Humility is the cure
For forgiveness I am sure
Who am I? Yes.  Who am I?

Who am I to enter unto His holy house
To have His recommend mine to hold?
Who am I to claim the blessings the Lord endows
His light and knowledge bright to unfold?

To feel the touch of the Master's hand
To hear Him speak and call me by name
To enter through, see, and understand
The highest blessing here to claim

I will never be the same
As one blessed with a new name
Who am I?  Yes. Who am I?

Who am I to receive a call in this great work
Blessed with strength to follow through?
Who am I to find, through Him, I am of worth
As He confirms all that I should do?

To be His hands to lift someone up
To be His voice that someone might hear
To proclaim His words that all might sup
My debt to God becomes more clear!

I lift my voice and give cheer
I know our Savior is near
Who am I? Yes.  Who am I?

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