
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Looking for a Missionary Poem

Family, and its education,
Is the place where we are known
Structurally as a foundation
It goes with us, where ever we are flown

From its loving supportive face
A missionary plants his feet
To a new found family in place
And the experience is sweet

For they too have sent someone
And there is a void... a longing to know
What it's like...through this service done..
All the many ways you learn, teach, and grow

Oh the joy to serve the Lord
To represent Him and share His gospel
To know His support is poured
Through and for families, made possible

The longing for home
It is always there
For of love and support shown
It is grand to share

Our Father in Heaven knows this
Is what we need the most to learn
That through loving family, we notice
For our eternal home we yearn

Does anyone know of this wonderful poem that Colin is looking for? (read below) I am sure some missionary is carrying it around.  Please let me know so I can forward it to Colin and perhaps post it on my blog to help others....

My name is Colin, I am looking for a missionary poem that I heard years ago and can't find it. It talks about the missionary getting on a plane and leaving family. Then it continues on about his mission, then it talks about him getting on a plane again and leaving his family. If you could help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it.



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