
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Saving Your Marriage

A damaged marriage is still precious
As a living, breathing thing
Through the miracle of Jesus
It's healing, He can bring

One to be shaken up
The other to see the light
To endure the bitter cup
And number our days aright

ublished on Jun 26, 2012 by 
A marriage, like a human life, is a precious, living thing. Spouses should exercise faith in Christ and love for each other to heal and strengthen their marriage relationship.  Jeffrey R. Holland

  1. aright - Wiktionary
    it is not easie we should so often settle our minds in so regular, so reformed, and so devout a seat, where indeed it ought to be, to pray aright and effectually: ...
  2. Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a ...
    To number our days aright let us know, And we bring the heart to wisdom. ... The prayer is, that God would instruct us to estimate our days aright: their number; ...

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