
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Never Just One

Whenever the gospel is shared
It is never to just one
For a family then is saved
As more temple work is done

                             Was It Worth It?

By Elder David F. Evans
Of the Seventy
Ensign, May 2012

1 comment:

  1. The gastric band is usually fitted using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery. Your operation will usually take 30 minutes to one hour. Your surgeon will make a four to five small cuts on your upper abdomen. He or she will then use small instruments that are guided by a special telescope with a camera to secure the band around the top part of your stomach. The band is locked so that it can't come undone. Afterwards, the cuts are closed with two or three stitches. Visit:Anal Fistula India
    Radical Nephrectomy India
    Gastric Bypass India
    Corrective Cosmetic Surgery India
    LASIK India
