
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Naught a One

He crushed Himself upon the ground
And was greatly pressed there of
In His darkest moments He found
The meaning of perfect love

Selflessly, out of a promise
To man beyond the sands and sea
He came painfully to notice
What is truly found the worst in me

He, even, sweat out great drops of blood
And stained the very cloth He wore
Accepting, the pains of those crass with crud
Who caused the afflicted much, much more

Truly things came at Him from infinite directions
Even from the father of the vilest lies himself
As He took upon Him all our imperfections
And naught a one was denied as that last drop spilled

crud: noun:   any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant

naught: noun:   a quantity of no importance
Example: "It was all for naught"

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