
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jesus Made Himself a Sacrifice for All

Jesus made Himself
A sacrifice for all.
He ransomed us from Hell
And overcame the Fall.

The ultimate good
Completely unblemished
For the world stood
Till the work was finished.

Every bit of evil...
Painfully He suffered.
Pressed to know His people
The perfect lamb was offered.

No more, need we sacrifice
As in the days of old.
Fully, He has paid the price
That we come into the fold.

What can I, to Him, give?
An offering of my own?
In newness, I want to live
As a disciple... known.

Yet, I am but ordinary.
How could I possibly please Him?
I've but the broken heart to carry
And a contrite spirit, even

My family has disowned me
My country and my friends
But, the gospel I hold dearly
I feel the strength God sends

What else matters
To be first in my life
For hope gathers
Healing all pain and strife

In memory of all who have left something behind to know Christ.  Knowing with God all things are possible, with hope, they take the journey of faith.
Pondering Elder Oaks conference talk
Mar 31 2012

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