
Friday, April 6, 2012

Jesus Is Laid in a Tomb

They carried His body to a disciple's tomb
And wrapped Him carefully in clean cloth
They had to leave for the Sabbath was soon
And sealed up the sepulcher with a rock

So no false claims could be made
Several guards watched at the wall
But they became sore afraid...
An earthquake scattered them all

Suddenly angels of the Lord
Descended down from heaven
And sat upon this fallen door
Their watch keep to be given

Mary Magdalene and one, Mary
Came to prepare the body at dawn
Instead they were given a message to carry:
He is not here, He is risen- and lives on!

They looked and saw the place, where linen lay
He had risen, He was gone, just as they had said
They were given to tell the disciples without delay
For He had left for Galilee, and was already ahead

Oh how they ran to bring His disciples word
At the news both fear and joy filled their hearts
They marveled to see the resurrected Lord!
Each wanting to do what was asked as their part

Matthew 27

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