
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Start Thinking About the Lord

Start thinking about the Lord
And the answers that you seek
He speaks to those who labor
To be humble, pure, and meek

Steph's blog is  a book club for General Conference
Next round:  Saturday March 31st and Sunday April 1st.  I don't have anything new and exciting to say about getting ready for general conference because I'm just happy with my same old routines. It's all become tradition, both physical and spiritual traditions, and I look forward to it like an oasis in a busy world.
So I'll just remind you to start thinking of questions you have for the Lord about your life, your family, your goals, your needs, your potential... and pray about those questions.  Watch conference with your questions in your hand and a pencil ready to receive revelation.  I promise it works.

Also, the tradition of General Conference Book Club will continue after this next conference, but there will be a big change.  It will still have all the integrity of studying the conference talks, but there will be a new guest hostess.  I'll post more about that as we get closer.
Feel free to share any of your own traditions and preparation strategies in the comments below.  Your idea may feel like a perfect fit to someone else's circumstances.

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