
Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Queen
As I went forward
He held out his hand
His wife said not a word
Her smile was grand

I told him about me
Our eyes did not part
I spoke of my family
He looked in my heart

Then, taking his wife's hand
He said, "This is my queen!"
And now I understand
Just what deep beauty means

Her hair, white, was a crown
Her eyes sparkled, bejeweled
Through her, goodness endowed
Of life's best gifts, she was schooled

Optimism and trust showed
She knew who she was
From within she just glowed
That is what a queen does

Since then I have sought
Knowledge and virtue
From the best I've been taught
For I want to be like her too

Sister Elaine S. Dalton tells of how she learned as a young woman what true beauty means. As a young woman, you were born to be a queen.

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