
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them

Let not your heart fail
Midst timultuous times
Trust all will be well
As to faith one aligns

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas to do List

Light the eyes of children
Put laughter on their lips
Lift their hearts to heaven
Their joy- life's richest gift

A Bright Shining Star
2010 First Presidency Christmas Devotional
December 5, 2010

Let the Christmas Star Shine Brightly

Let the Christmas Star shine brightly
Upon your home this year
Gather your family around nightly
And feel the Spirit near

A Bright Shining Star
2010 First Presidency Christmas Devotional
December 5, 2010

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Peace on the Earth

Peace on the Earth
Can be found today
If we humbly search
God's laws show the way

This is the Way

Step on the sacred grounds
Where the holy temple lay
Feel God's love that surrounds
Towards heaven, this is the way

When You Take Off the Badge

When you take off the badge
Your mission call does not end
No matter what your age
You've the gospel to help send

Be Thankful for each Trial

Be thankful for each trial
That settles in to stay
Being humble all the while
Strength comes no other way

Called to be your Teacher

Called to be your teacher
What is it I can share
To start, I am eager
To show you that I care

The Lord Uses a Scale

The Lord uses a scale
Different than we know
To measure and tell
The worth of a soul

We each have a purpose
Wonderful and grand
A talent for service
Wherever we may stand

Some walk in marble halls
With richness to impart
Others- in stable stalls
Give too, from the heart

God loves the humble
The prayerful and meek
For they spread His gospel
As they're given words to speak

You Matter to Him
President Dieter F Uchtdorf

Outwardly Manifest What's in Your Heart

Outwardly manifest
What's in your heart- display
Serve the Lord, do your best
His light will show the way

Quiet Dignity

You've quiet dignity
Elegance and grace
So filled with charity
Your smile's an embrace

You've confidence to speak
With charity also
Humbly as one meek
You present what you know

Respect is what you give
Helping others stand up tall
Offering perspective
You're a leader to us all

This is not me.
I oft speak before thinking and have to slow down.
My house is chaos and I am forever seeking....
Perhaps that is why I write?
Hope you have been blessed to know
someone like this and can share...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Say Not in Grief

Say not in grief
My love is no more
But hold to belief
In the living Lord

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our Tears Testify

Our tears testify of the love
Felt at the passing of this son
Sent now to Heaven above
To continue on his mission

Faith, forgiveness urged at funeral services for missionaries killed in Texas accident- Joseph Walker Desert News
Elder Nelson- "Our tears testify of our love for this wonderful, exemplary elder," Elder Nelson said. "Your Redeemer knows exactly how you feel."

The Bible and the Book of Mormon

The Bible and the Book of Mormon are now woven together
For enlightenment, they have become one in our hands
As you pore into one you are drawn into the other
Fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy now forever stands

Elder Boyd K. Packer, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said that the Bible and the Book of Mormon “are now woven together in such a way that as you pore over one you are drawn to the other; as you learn from one you are enlightened by the other. They are indeed one in our hands. Ezekiel’s prophecy [in Ezekiel 37:15–19] now stands fulfilled” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, 75; or Ensign, Nov. 1982, 53). Boyd K. Packer, “Scriptures,” Ensign, Nov. 1982, 51

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Book of Mormon Story

What the Book of Mormon has done for me- the most
Is fill me with the love of God come of the Holy Ghost
Old Testament prophets have left great marks on me
Having laid a foundation... filled with fond memories
The Book of Mormon adds to this, making my life complete
The Spirit I feel inside is ever sweet to greet

Starting around 600 BC, in Jerusalem
A prophet left the city, taking his family with him
Obediently, this they did by way of God's command
Later, then, they sailed to their own promised land
Generations of records were compiled by one of the last
A prophet named Mormon helps us learn from the past

God continues to speak to His people today
Still requiring of us that we obey and pray
Prophets testify of the Savior- His suffering for man
As a second witness He came to the Book of Mormon's land
The words offer us comfort and peace unto good cheer
Truly to the Americas, He did appear!

sorry this is not very good poetry- but the video is excellent!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Standing on the Side of Love

Standing on the side of love
In the absence of fear
I place my trust in God above
And feel His Spirit near

In all the Annals of History

In all the annals of history
Jesus is the only one
Who could know sin and misery
Perfectly... to atone

If you could take all that is grand
Of all the days the earth has known
You'd have one speck of a glimpse at hand
Of the perfection it took to atone

This is the one truth most worth knowing
He is peace and security
He can lift us from our burdens- growing
Unto salvation with purity

In life it is expected
That we will all fall to Satan's lure
We came here to be tested,
To find our Savior, repent, and endure

To appease the demands of justice
He stands both willing and able
To extend mercy as we trust Him
And become a covenant people

The One Truth Worth Knowing
President Boyd K. Packer click on post title to go directly to

There is a Mediator, a Redeemer who stands both willing and able to appease the demands of justice and extend mercy to those who are penitent

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pause and Remember

We pause to remember
Solemnly with pride
Our American heroes
Who now live and have died

We owe these men and women
Our respect and admiration
We give thanks for each veteran
For their service to this nation

Mitt Romney
Today, Veterans Day, we pause to remember - and to take solemn pride in -
America’s heroes. We owe the men and women who have served in our armed forces our respect, our admiration, and our eternal gratitude.

We Who in Freedom Live Today

We who live in freedom today
Remember those so brave
Who believe in the American way
Our sovereign rights to save

The greatest act that one can do
Is to do what's hard, but right
To face their fears and enemies too
And be steadfast in the fight

If we were ever to forget
Life's lessons would be gone
But a patriot's heart will never let
The lapse of freedom's song

Thus in the season where colors fall
And families gather near
Let us also pay tribute to honor's call
And thank our veterans dear

Dear veterans how we thank you
And we need you still today!
Help us remember and renew
Our pledge under God always

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When I was a Little Boy

When I was a little boy
I was bored in school
I disturbed class to annoy
Thinking it was cool

For when the teacher said, "enough!"
Through the office came my reward
In their efforts to be tough
They sent me home to be bored

But my mom was a teacher
At another school
And each day she would share
Lessons of the golden rule

This was a public class
And the Bible was a friend
For the lessons taught us fast-
Goodness wins in the end

Yet, I continued my ways
In the days before detention
To my mother's class always
Enjoying that attention

Then one day...she said, "enough!"
And put me in a Christian School
They lacked "authority"... it was tough
Though I was young, I could not be fooled

I learned about lip service
And that was when I changed my ways
I rose to a higher purpose
And will do so for the rest of my days!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Chasing all the wrong things
I sought to fulfill my dreams
But no lasting peace was tasted
And oh the time I have wasted

Someone Tried

Someone tried
To destroy my name
Claiming I'd
Do what would bring me shame

My daughter had her Facebook hijacked and they deleted pictures and made rude propositions in her name...Unfortunately she suspects a few old friends. They would have to know her email password as well. The new definition of mean girls- use what they know about you to make you look bad.

You Stepped in Drama

You stepped in drama
Get yourself out
Let it be a comma
To goodness about

Become a Light for all to See

Become a light for all to see
Illuminate what comes of Christ
Read, study, pray...consistently
Radiate love... and do what's right

Become a beacon of righteousness
Testify of all that you feel
Help others know of God's existence
That the windows of heaven are real

President Thomas S. Monson
Become a Light for All to See click post's title to go directly to Our Prophet Speaks Today