You've quiet dignity
Elegance and grace
So filled with charity
Your smile's an embrace
You've confidence to speak
With charity also
Humbly as one meek
You present what you know
Respect is what you give
Helping others stand up tall
Offering perspective
You're a leader to us all
This is not me.
I oft speak before thinking and have to slow down.
My house is chaos and I am forever seeking....
Perhaps that is why I write?
Hope you have been blessed to know
someone like this and can share...
Our tears testify of the love
Felt at the passing of this son
Sent now to Heaven above
To continue on his mission
Faith, forgiveness urged at funeral services for missionaries killed in Texas accident- Joseph Walker Desert News
Elder Nelson- "Our tears testify of our love for this wonderful, exemplary elder," Elder Nelson said. "Your Redeemer knows exactly how you feel."
The Bible and the Book of Mormon are now woven together
For enlightenment, they have become one in our hands
As you pore into one you are drawn into the other
Fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy now forever stands
Elder Boyd K. Packer, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said that the Bible and the Book of Mormon “are now woven together in such a way that as you pore over one you are drawn to the other; as you learn from one you are enlightened by the other. They are indeed one in our hands. Ezekiel’s prophecy [in Ezekiel 37:15–19] now stands fulfilled” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, 75; or Ensign, Nov. 1982, 53). Boyd K. Packer, “Scriptures,” Ensign, Nov. 1982, 51
What the Book of Mormon has done for me- the most
Is fill me with the love of God come of the Holy Ghost
Old Testament prophets have left great marks on me
Having laid a foundation... filled with fond memories
The Book of Mormon adds to this, making my life complete
The Spirit I feel inside is ever sweet to greet
Starting around 600 BC, in Jerusalem
A prophet left the city, taking his family with him
Obediently, this they did by way of God's command
Later, then, they sailed to their own promised land
Generations of records were compiled by one of the last
A prophet named Mormon helps us learn from the past
God continues to speak to His people today
Still requiring of us that we obey and pray
Prophets testify of the Savior- His suffering for man
As a second witness He came to the Book of Mormon's land
The words offer us comfort and peace unto good cheer
Truly to the Americas, He did appear!
sorry this is not very good poetry- but the video is excellent!
In all the annals of history
Jesus is the only one
Who could know sin and misery
Perfectly... to atone
If you could take all that is grand
Of all the days the earth has known
You'd have one speck of a glimpse at hand
Of the perfection it took to atone
This is the one truth most worth knowing
He is peace and security
He can lift us from our burdens- growing
Unto salvation with purity
In life it is expected
That we will all fall to Satan's lure
We came here to be tested,
To find our Savior, repent, and endure
To appease the demands of justice
He stands both willing and able
To extend mercy as we trust Him
And become a covenant people
The One Truth Worth Knowing
President Boyd K. Packer click on post title to go directly to
There is a Mediator, a Redeemer who stands both willing and able to appease the demands of justice and extend mercy to those who are penitent
We pause to remember
Solemnly with pride
Our American heroes
Who now live and have died
We owe these men and women
Our respect and admiration
We give thanks for each veteran
For their service to this nation
Mitt Romney
Today, Veterans Day, we pause to remember - and to take solemn pride in -
America’s heroes. We owe the men and women who have served in our armed forces our respect, our admiration, and our eternal gratitude.
Someone tried
To destroy my name
Claiming I'd
Do what would bring me shame
My daughter had her Facebook hijacked and they deleted pictures and made rude propositions in her name...Unfortunately she suspects a few old friends. They would have to know her email password as well. The new definition of mean girls- use what they know about you to make you look bad.