United as one...
It can be done
Standing side by side-
If we all decide
To the young from the old
Let freedom be told
From the old to the young
The journey's begun
Agreeing to disagree
From sea to shining sea
Let us build on what is good
Humbly with gratitude
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Forget Me Not
A very small flower in a garden of many
Waited all day to be named
Feeling insignificant, it would take any
Quite forgotten, it felt so ashamed
The sun had set, light would not last
In despair, it cried from its low place
“Forget-Me-Not” …someone walked past
stopped, looked down, and parted a space
There in the shadows the blue flower stood
Hidden by the foliage of a buttercup
"Ah," He said, “You have finally understood
You have worth and limited time to speak up”
“In your sweet plea… you have named yourself
The weakness of your size none shall forget
For we all need to be noticed and are in need of help
From you, the least, we learn great things come if we let!”
“This is the first of five lessons I want to share
Things we all need to remember
One for each petal you so beautifully wear
As I wish happiness for each flower member”
“The second desire comes of my heart
As I recognize talents and gifts
Sacrifices are many but the best impart
A stirring of love that uplifts”
“The third to hold to is found all around
And is easily thought less of
That is finding joy in all that surrounds
The greatness of life is love
The fourth is so easy to overlook
As we each have so much to do
But we should focus on the “why?” as we look
Up…for warmth and bright light too
The fifth is the hope of what is to come
The potential that lies within
The knowledge of what we each can become...
We are much more than this life we are in
Sweet little blue Forget-Me-Not
You're the symbol for what we should learn
If we are to grow, these five things should be sought
And from them we should never turn
Forget Me NOT
Waited all day to be named
Feeling insignificant, it would take any
Quite forgotten, it felt so ashamed
The sun had set, light would not last
In despair, it cried from its low place
“Forget-Me-Not” …someone walked past
stopped, looked down, and parted a space
There in the shadows the blue flower stood
Hidden by the foliage of a buttercup
"Ah," He said, “You have finally understood
You have worth and limited time to speak up”
“In your sweet plea… you have named yourself
The weakness of your size none shall forget
For we all need to be noticed and are in need of help
From you, the least, we learn great things come if we let!”
“This is the first of five lessons I want to share
Things we all need to remember
One for each petal you so beautifully wear
As I wish happiness for each flower member”
“The second desire comes of my heart
As I recognize talents and gifts
Sacrifices are many but the best impart
A stirring of love that uplifts”
“The third to hold to is found all around
And is easily thought less of
That is finding joy in all that surrounds
The greatness of life is love
The fourth is so easy to overlook
As we each have so much to do
But we should focus on the “why?” as we look
Up…for warmth and bright light too
The fifth is the hope of what is to come
The potential that lies within
The knowledge of what we each can become...
We are much more than this life we are in
Sweet little blue Forget-Me-Not
You're the symbol for what we should learn
If we are to grow, these five things should be sought
And from them we should never turn
Forget Me NOT
Our Prophet
Our prophet reaches each heart
Reminds us of who we are
And brings God's words to impart
Our prophet helps us grow,
Feel, hear, see, and know
The path that we're to go
Friday, September 23, 2011
At every stage of your life
You are never alone
For the climb, He offers light
Guiding...you are known
No matter what you've done
Or even continue to do
He turns His back on none
If it's anyone it is you
It is time to turn around
And be renewed in Christ
To stand upon higher ground
Making covenants is the price
He awaits to uplift
And lighten each load
He knows we are prone to drift
From the straight and narrow road
His...the path of happiness
You will not want to miss
He has a plan for each of us
Keep going...through Christ-you deserve this
Thank you Al Fox- you inspire us
To be happy
Parents You Are the Second Witness
You are the second witness
For your child to know what's true
And your job will never finish
As they will always look to you
You are the second witness
For your child to know what's true
And your job will never finish
As they will always look to you
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Body as a Temple
This body, as a temple,
Houses my spirit inside
Where for God's holy people
The Holy Ghost may reside
Houses my spirit inside
Where for God's holy people
The Holy Ghost may reside
Be Ye As God's Building
Be ye as God's building
Anchored upon Christ
With the structure yielding
Faith and hope and light
Thomas S. Monson
“Tabernacles and temples are built with more than stone and mortar, wood and glass. Particularly is this true when we speak of the temple described by the Apostle Paul: ‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?’ (1 Corinthians 3:16.) Such temples are built with faith and fasting. They are built with service and sacrifice. They are built with trials and testimonies.” (Live the Good Life [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1988], 17.)
Anchored upon Christ
With the structure yielding
Faith and hope and light
Thomas S. Monson
“Tabernacles and temples are built with more than stone and mortar, wood and glass. Particularly is this true when we speak of the temple described by the Apostle Paul: ‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?’ (1 Corinthians 3:16.) Such temples are built with faith and fasting. They are built with service and sacrifice. They are built with trials and testimonies.” (Live the Good Life [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1988], 17.)
There is So Much to Do
There is so much to do yet
In faith, I must not fret
Turning to God through service
I will build upon my purpose
In faith, I must not fret
Turning to God through service
I will build upon my purpose
In Meekness Fear and Trembling
In meekness, fear, and trembling
We speak God's words found humbling
And with power they are believed
Unto growth through light received
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard
Such blessings come of the Word
To the seeker it filters deep
Unto the heart for safe watch keep
Pondering 1 Corinthians 2:3
And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
We speak God's words found humbling
And with power they are believed
Unto growth through light received
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard
Such blessings come of the Word
To the seeker it filters deep
Unto the heart for safe watch keep
Pondering 1 Corinthians 2:3
And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Kate Smith introduces God Bless America
Today, let us pray for America
The land of the free
That still we may know the miracle
Of living happily
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Truth will Stand
Truth will stand
And endure
Through righteous living
As the cure
thoughts from Elder Dallin H. Oaks
CES fireside
Truth and Tolerance
September 11, 2011
And endure
Through righteous living
As the cure
thoughts from Elder Dallin H. Oaks
CES fireside
Truth and Tolerance
September 11, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Baptism- Know You Are Never Alone
Know you are never alone
That by the Savior you are known
You've entered the gate to heaven
The greatest gift to man given
Now worthy men will confirm
You a member of His church
For yourself you can learn
As through the Holy Ghost you search
That by the Savior you are known
You've entered the gate to heaven
The greatest gift to man given
Now worthy men will confirm
You a member of His church
For yourself you can learn
As through the Holy Ghost you search
Heavenly Father Touches our Lives
Heavenly Father
Touches our lives
Through the Holy Ghost, order,
And the light of Christ
The bosom burns,
The eyes see,
Hearts feel again
We are happy!
Words are given
The mind receives
Blessings are granted
As one believes
That God's grace be more upon us
May we do that which is right
Keep our covenants and trust
Each day will shed forth new light
Touches our lives
Through the Holy Ghost, order,
And the light of Christ
The bosom burns,
The eyes see,
Hearts feel again
We are happy!
Words are given
The mind receives
Blessings are granted
As one believes
That God's grace be more upon us
May we do that which is right
Keep our covenants and trust
Each day will shed forth new light
The Master's Favorite Color
The Master's favorite color
Truly must be light
As it brilliantly contains
Every color for delight
Light lets color show
And reflect the very best
Both cool and warm to know
Through the rainbow we are blessed
Now what about dark black?
How he loves this too
As it absorbs the light
And enhances it best too
Thus in the heavens we see
In both the day and night
The sun, moon, and stars find glory
As the dark contrasts with light
Truly must be light
As it brilliantly contains
Every color for delight
Light lets color show
And reflect the very best
Both cool and warm to know
Through the rainbow we are blessed
Now what about dark black?
How he loves this too
As it absorbs the light
And enhances it best too
Thus in the heavens we see
In both the day and night
The sun, moon, and stars find glory
As the dark contrasts with light
Official Google Blog: Ten years later
Official Google Blog: Ten years later
To let the past not teach
Would be terribly wrong
God is within reach
And America can be strong
To let the past not teach
Would be terribly wrong
God is within reach
And America can be strong
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Finding Hope - 10th Anniversary of 9/11
A 911 Survivor
911 began as a beautiful day
The sky was blue, perfectly so
With a job for 3 months, I was on my way!
When the plane hit I was among the first to know
I was on the 85th floor working about
The building swayed and then it snapped back
There was nothing but smoke, the elevator was blown out
I was to learn later we had been attacked
We found some stairs, it was a long way down
There was an explosion when I got outside
I just kept moving, following the crowd
When a cloud engulfed, I found shelter inside
The building was gone! My floor was nowhere!
At first I felt blessed... a survivor
Then depressed...when sleep came- I longed to stay there
Desperately I needed my Savior
Some say after 911 that there is no God
But that’s when I found Him... no doubt
My life changed, I sought to be with my family a lot
Through Him, from despair, I was shown the way out
I found a new life reading the scriptures
Where I would bury myself evermore
Christ the healer could make me whole, I was made sure
Awaked to the purpose- of what life is for
The Savior suffered children to come unto Him
And I wanted to bring mine to Him also
We now read together feeling hearts soften
As a family of believers we serve Him and know...
God is there to those who have faith to search
Blessing us... unto gratitude
For my wife, kids, Bishop, and members of the church
I thank you! I was in pain and you understood
From long commutes... from a lifestyle that smothers
To life that’s worth living... and the time to bless others
Read more about V. Guzman
Whom I don't know but am grateful for!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
September 11 On Faith
Surge of Faith
The nine eleven tragedy
Brought us together,as a nation of faith
Feeling the need to be steady
We found God in a remarkable way
Lost Moral Footing
But by nature we are foolishly vain
And we have lost our moral footing
Doing that which causes one pain
As it is God's commandments we are forgetting
The Key
The key to our happiness
Is found in excellent behavior
As that is when we are blessed
Following the path of the Savior
President Monson, Other Religious Leaders Share Thoughts on 9/11 Anniversary
Waiting on the Road to Damascus
There once was a man named Saul
Who treated the Saints angrily
Till the Lord caused Him to fall
Asking, "Why persecutest thou me?"
Who now waits for such a sign
Delaying covenants to enter?
To the seeker there is much to find
And belief must be at one's center
Belief Comes One Step at a Time
One single piece of the gospel
May not make sense, viewed all alone
But like unto a large puzzle
When grouped together much more is shown
The grand beauty in the end
Shows what at first was missed
Oft the Savior had been a friend
Quietly... gently... unnoticed
Hearken and Heed
The things of the Spirit oft come
As a whisper given to heed
Perhaps to attend to the one
Who humbly prayed...deeply in need
The whisperings will quickly fade
If not heeded or tended to
Our choices must be heavenly weighed-
What is it the Lord would have us do?
Through answering another's cries
We oft answer the needs of our own
Lifting scales from our spiritual eyes
The windows of heaven become shown
We have a glad message to share-
The great blessing of Jesus Christ
In the right time and place to declare
Through Him all things are made bright
Our Road to Damascus
Oft we're like Saul, living in doubt...
Waiting on the road to Damascus
May our countenance shine more about
As we heed the bright call of Jesus
Waiting on the Road to Damascus
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Ensign, May 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Our Merciful Loving Father
Our Merciful, loving Father
Has not forsaken us
Through General Conference
His words teach, prompt, guide, and bless
He has raised up prophets
To lead us back to Him
We will find direction
If we seek but to listen
Sometimes the message remains
And seems unchanged from before
But its through the fundamentals one gains
What we have come to the Earth for
Even a small child can be taught
And feel the spirit in word and song
Inspiration can be sought
And impressions can be strong
Come to conference with a question
Struggle with it in your mind
Like a Liahona a message
Will be just what you need to find
General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Ensign, September 2011
Has not forsaken us
Through General Conference
His words teach, prompt, guide, and bless
He has raised up prophets
To lead us back to Him
We will find direction
If we seek but to listen
Sometimes the message remains
And seems unchanged from before
But its through the fundamentals one gains
What we have come to the Earth for
Even a small child can be taught
And feel the spirit in word and song
Inspiration can be sought
And impressions can be strong
Come to conference with a question
Struggle with it in your mind
Like a Liahona a message
Will be just what you need to find
General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Ensign, September 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Close to My Heart
Once I am in a seat
I know a prayer will start
I let my two arms meet
Close up to my heart
If it becomes my turn
I will speak of how I feel
Prayer is a time to learn
Heavenly Father's love is real
I know a prayer will start
I let my two arms meet
Close up to my heart
If it becomes my turn
I will speak of how I feel
Prayer is a time to learn
Heavenly Father's love is real
Monday, September 5, 2011
Grandma's Hand Shadows
Grandma's hands cast shadows
Playfully at night
Upon the wall she shows
Stories that delight
Two flying black birds
A hippopotamus
Goosey goosey gander
And a clown can laugh with us
The stronger the light beam
The clearer the image will be
On a white wall it is best seen
And that traveling moth is not me!
Thinking about the Little Book of Hand Shadows
by Phila H. Webb and Jane Corby first published in 1927!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Being Called the Mormon Church
Being called the Mormon Church
Is not at all accurate
We are the Savior's Saints
Reserved for this latter date
A man named Mormon was a prophet
In the Americas a long time ago
And his writings hold a promise
Of its truthfulness each man can know
There to become nearer to Christ
For it is a second witness of Him
The Book of Mormon changes lives
As one feels the Spirit within
Thoughts from reading
Guided by the Holy Spirit
President Boyd K. Packer
Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Saints
Ensign, May 2011, pg 30
Is not at all accurate
We are the Savior's Saints
Reserved for this latter date
A man named Mormon was a prophet
In the Americas a long time ago
And his writings hold a promise
Of its truthfulness each man can know
There to become nearer to Christ
For it is a second witness of Him
The Book of Mormon changes lives
As one feels the Spirit within
Thoughts from reading
Guided by the Holy Spirit
President Boyd K. Packer
Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Saints
Ensign, May 2011, pg 30
Two Witnesses of Creation
In science we come to know
Through careful observation
In religion this is also so
By experimentation
Like unto our vision
Come of two eyes
Gaining perception
For depth to apprise
In the study of creation
For the how, when, who, and why
Through independent relation
Two viewpoints witness and certify
Every spot of light in space
Is a galaxy with a hundred billion stars
Recquiring greater thought in place
The immensity of light to find is ours
Too, the reach for our Father in heaven
Comes through effort and prayer
Oft, by which more light is given
As warm evidence of His care
A Pulsar's Hand
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The sand mixed with the ocean spray
Making faces gritty
A very tiny price to pay
To splash and play all giddy
Making faces gritty
A very tiny price to pay
To splash and play all giddy