
Friday, June 10, 2011

My Dad

My Dad throws me way up high
So I can touch the sky
He Twirls me round and round
And hangs me upside down

The best thing about my Dad
Is he comforts me when I've been bad
He tells me he believes in me
And...just like him, I want to be!

He's the reason I try hard
At school, home, and in the yard
I want to grow to be like him
My Dad, he makes my world spin

Father's Day
A time to recommit
And celebrate the influence
Of the father and the strength he represents

thoughts from Father's Day: A Time to Recommit
It's June and in my corner of the world, that means warmer weather, summer vacations, kids out of school and Father's Day! In just over a week we will be celebrating the influence of dads in our lives. United Families International has researched the critical place fathers play in the lives of their children.

We recognize that dad is not only the one to toss us high into the air, teach us to ride a bike and fix its flat, loosen the tight grip on the pickle jar, move our boxes as we go away to college and comfort us when we make mistakes, but fathers also provide the security that keeps kids in school, and out of drugs, mischief and prisons. Social science clearly shows that having a father in the home lessens substantially the risks of unhappy, delinquent children in society.

I wish to thank Tom Christensen for the following write up on fathers. Having been involved in pro-family work for over 25 years and as the father of 16 children, Tom certainly understands the importance of fathers and families in a healthy society!


Carol Soelberg
President, United Families International

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