
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meridian Magazine - A Latter-day Saint View of the Conflict in the Holy Land

Meridian Magazine - A Latter-day Saint View of the Conflict in the Holy Land

With sympathy and understanding
We wish to promote a place
For both the Jew and Palestinian
To enjoy a just and lasting peace

Each, being of Father Abraham
This land has been made holy
Ever it will be a prayerful land
For all of his children, wholly

June 07 2011
A Latter-day Saint View of the Conflict in the Holy Land
By D. Kelly Ogden
June 07 2011

It is hoped that Latter-day Saints can help provide a bridge of understanding between Arabs and Jews in that troubled region of the Holy Land and that to the extent that we look with sympathy and understanding at both sides, we can be an influence to help bring about a just and lasting peace.

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