
Sunday, June 5, 2011

In the Spirit

In the Spirit of repentance
We covenant and forsake
And seek from Thee remittance
Of every sin we make

In the Spirit of the gospel
We have all that we need
To be a blessed people
In word, hope, love, and deed

In the Spirit come of Thy Son
We covenant to obey
Of other God's we have none
We pray to Thee, come what may

In the Spirit of pure meekness
We seek for Thy lost lambs
We live to be Thy witness
And serve Thee, as Thy hands

In the Spirit of forgiveness
We give to Thee our pain
Holding naught to bitterness
Knowing we have much to gain

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving
There is so much to feel
Above all for carrying
Sure knowledge- Thou art real

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