
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

200 Years of Service- Memorial Day Explained

200 years of service
Have come of one family
Who, knowing their purpose
Explain this day happily...

Always Memorial Day
Is the last Monday in May
Where we remember the price
Of freedom...the sacrifice

See the flag raised briskly
Up to the top of the staff
Then for 1.3 million slowly
It is lowered down to half

At noon it is then reraised
In memory of the living
And their resolve is appraised
At 3:00 o'clock with silence giving

See the parades and colors
In every city, county, and State
As on this day each honors
Those who protect freedom's gate

See our flag waving- proudly, tall
May its symbols ever remain true
For freedom isn't free at all
And we must remember and show our gratitude

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