
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Clothing and the Needy

I know what a needle is
I have a pin cushion full
Not so in the Philippines
This is but a sample

We are blessed with so much
Excepting our debt
Us, prosperity seems to touch
And we fret

I am so grateful
For a washing machine
For socks by the hand full
And water made clean

What can we give
To those who are in need
With love the motive
We can bless them indeed

Helping another
To a healthy status
Lifts us like no other
That is the wealth in us

To clothe the naked
We can make donations
Plus needles, fabrics, and thread
Can warm their situations

Pondering a story about a time in the Philippines when a needle was needed and people went asking their neighbors. We were sewing baby hospital gowns for As We Lay You Down To Sleep- they are burial gowns
for still born infants and premies. In this time of great humanitarian
need there are multitudes of ways to bless others. Making something and giving of our time feels wonderful. Helping another to earn wages that is where my thoughts turned.

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