
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Beautiful Messages of Easter

Two beautiful messages of Easter-
There really will be life after death!
We can return to live with our Father!
Once our flesh resurrects with new breath

On Easter we give thanks to our Lord
Who suffered for all of our sins
Who took upon Him the pains of the world
That we might return to our Father again

Two beautiful statements at Easter-
I can prepare for the day that I die!
I can return to live with our Father!
And dwell again in His presence on high

Thoughts from President Howard W. Hunter's talk:
Evidences of the Resurrection
Ensign, May 1983, 15

" It is truly a beautiful message- there will be a life after death; we can return to live with our Father in Heaven once again, because of the sacrifice the Savior has made for us, and because of our own repentance and obedience to the commandments."

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