
Saturday, April 2, 2011

His Sacred Name - An Easter Declaration

He held His peace
Every darkened hour
He sought to please
Our Heavenly Father

Betrayed, denied
Accused, rejected
He was bound and tried
Willingly, unprotected

Reviled, scourged
Mocked, and spit upon
Forgive, He urged
Though He had been wronged

The nails were driven
A sign was displayed
Vinegar was given
Bitterly laid

The heavens then closed
He received naught from God
For us He posed
Answering His lone call

His body was laid
In a borrowed tomb
His annointing delayed
Till a dawn to resume

To those who came
An angel appeared
Then to proclaim
"He is not here"

Resurrected, risen
Now mighty to save
Preparing us for heaven
He opens up each grave

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