
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter- What a Glorious Time of the Year

Easter- what a glorious time of the year
As Christians celebrate everywhere
That our Lord rose triumphant from the tomb
And for each of us, in His heart, there is room

He having felt each sin and sorrow
Is our reason to hope on the morrow
He knowing the pain of death and separation
Is our Redeemer and Author of our salvation

Gordon B. Hinckley
The Victory over Death
Liahona, Apr 1997, 3

What a glorious time of the year is Easter! Easter is the day when we, with Christian people everywhere, celebrate the most significant event in human history—the Resurrection from the grave, the return to life from death, of the Son of God. Among all the facts of mortality, nothing is so certain as its deathly end. How tragic, how poignant is the sorrow of those left behind. The grieving widow, the motherless child, the father bereft and alone—all of these can speak of the wounds of parting.

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