
Monday, March 28, 2011

Feeling Pain and Loss

Feeling pain and loss

I began soul searching

For the root or cause

Numb with grief.... reaching

My son was not called home

For the peace and rest

He claimed this for his own

Escaping life's test

I must remember the good

The long years of nurture

Putting my faith in God

I must look to the future


The shocking new came

With all the emotions

Can life be the same

After a suicide's motions

Denial, anger, bargaining...depression

A time of questions... if only

Had there been a sign? A plea in expression?

I've feigned resignation, feeling lonely

This is not what I bargained for

How I wish to hide

The past....the memories.. How I mourn

For the future denied

And amidst this all

I wish to pray

And know in some way small

That, with God, my child's ok


I have not words to say

That can right the pain

Know for you I pray

And for you I explain

Your son took his life

Having battled depression

His mind caught in strife

Trapped in dark expression

And amidst all their sorrow

Questions, regret, and shock

They, like me, wish you to know

Only of his goodness do we talk

Deep inside there's fear

That this could happen again

To another who is dear

So great the loss of a friend

Deep inside we are each

Looking for life's lesson

That his passing will teach

Faith as minds question

I wrote another poem based on Suicide- Some things we Know and some We do Not click on below label

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