
Friday, February 18, 2011

In The New Testament

In The New Testament
God revealed Himself once more
Reemphasizing what was meant
Millenia before

During Christ's ministry, the Apostles
Wrote "they left all to follow Him"
Sacrificing to preach the gospel
Risking their lives unto this end

They walked with Him and knew Him
As a mortal upon the earth
He questioned and taught them
And lifted the weak unto worth

He healed the broken hearted
Those crippled and pushed aside
He cleansed and taught those hated
If faith in them would abide

And when His mortal days ended
This promise extended unto all
As through the atonement He befriended
Every man from the effects of the fall

Thomas A. Wayment
"The Historical Context of the New Testament"
Liahona, Jan. 2011, 20–25

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