
Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Field of Diamonds

A field of diamonds
May shine bright
In the brightness
Of bright light

Then comes the test
Now away, alone
Does every facet
Remain proudly shown?

Layers of neglect
Can dim each prism slope
Till naught can project
Filmed up, much like soap

Still each can be made clean
The damage then undone
To be brightly seen
In the light of the sun

So, too, each soul
Can shine within
Beautiful and whole
Cleansed from every sin

The baptismal water
The bread and water on the trays
Cleanses like no other
Offering always

We may ink on tattoos
To cover what is lacking
But no matter which you choose
They're naught for light attracting

We are made to shine
And be filled with light
Of Heavenly design
Through choosing the right

We're each a precious diamond
In the Master's hand
Shaped and designed
To be clean and grand

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