
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Believe In America - Behind the scenes at CPAC 2011

We believe in freedom, in liberty,
And in the American dream
This is the land of opportunity
Shining brightly to be seen

We can be resilient
New jobs can come about
We just need a new president
Who's a patriot throughout

Who still believes in America
That it is a nation under God?
A land born of miracles
With religious freedom being its call?

Who can raise the poor out of the dust
And lift the needy out of the dunghill?
But God's princes placed in trust
Humbly, looking to the heavens still

From the rising of the sun
To the setting in the West
Let our hearts to God be one
Through the Son who gives us rest

The Lord governs the sea and the land
For the blessing of His people
He skips little hills like lambs
Even causing mountains to tremble

Let us look for Him in history
And see He is our help and shield
Unto His name, praise and glory
That we have liberty still
Psalms 113, 114

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