
Friday, February 11, 2011

The Beats of Music Spring life to our Step

The beats of music spring life to our step
Reaching within where emotions are kept
Creating power for good or bad to then awake
Some tempering appetites we need to break

The sacred hymns come of the Scriptures
Can calm our minds with peace that endures
Hummed or sung, rich feelings keep coming back
Offering us a measure of what we lack

Soothing us with the love of God unto reverence
Lighting us to Christ who makes the difference
This blessed music can linger well within the head
Such that we feel we've been spiritually fed

They can turn off bad thoughts and temper moods
Even to the point of calming family feuds
Whether it be faith or repentance that we seek
The hymns can lifts us when all seems bleak

Hum one's melody, for inside them lies
A prayer to God who hears our cries
Singing a hymn can help us when we are tired
Inviting the Spirit for they are inspired

revisiting an old poem- that was pretty bad...

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