
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Religious Freedom Day

It takes a leap of faith
To create a nation strong
Good morals are needed to frame
A foundation of right and wrong

I give my thanks today
For the freedom of religion
That I have the choice to pray
And choose a church I believe in

To those who paid the price
And against tyranny did fight
I give thanks they'd sacrifice
For each inalienable right

With the Bill of Rights declared
Our country could expand
Through each suffrage shared
Liberty's now established to each hand

In each instance it took faith
Through God given convictions
To stand up and face
Limitations and restrictions

Without Martin Luther King
How could all men unite?
Without women following
How could each enjoy freedom's light?

For, in the image of God each has worth
No matter our age, sex, size, or race
From conception these rights give birth
Divinely given to embrace

True religion and good morals
are the only solid foundations
of public liberty's happiness
Continental Congress 1778

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