
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Only He

Only He can cause our hearts
To beat and give us breath
Only He can preserve and
Protect us unto rest

Only He can give us strength
Midst the burdens known in life
Only He can forgive our sins
And heal us amidst strife

Only He can light us unto knowledge
And offer us freedom, peace, joy, and power
Only He can bring us back to our Father
And save us unto Him in that holy hour

We can partake and drink thirstily
And live in His light seeing clearly then
Or remain weak, lacking foolishly
Being blind, stumbling darkly in sin

That when we fall to despair and futility
Only He knows how to save us from ourselves
When we turn to Him with true humility
We find it's His light within that prevails

The Way
Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge
Ensign, November 2008
Only God can bless us. Only He can sustain us. Only He can cause our hearts to beat and give us breath. Only He can preserve and protect us. Only He can give us strength to bear up the burdens of life. Only He can give us power, knowledge, peace, and joy. Only He can forgive our sins. Only He can heal us. Only He can change us and forge a godly soul. Only He can bring us back into His presence. And He will do all of that and much more if we but remember Him to keep His commandments. What then shall we do? We will remember Him to keep His commandments. It is the only intelligent thing to do.

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