
Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Mark of a Finisher (A+)

The mark of a finisher
Comes of giving your all
And finding great pleasure
In heeding your call

The finish lies ahead
For all of us to greet
Spiritually led
Thus, here is what we'll need:

VISION- Make a map of where you're going
EFFORT- Know with each step you are growing
FAITH- Record your progress. Erase each doubt
VIRTUE- Share your good works with those about
COURAGE- Remember the path on which you belong
PRAYER- Where, through prayer, you are made strong

cleaning up my bulletin board where I'd put a piece of paper: The Mark of a Finisher: vision, effort, faith, virtue, courage, prayer

President Monson said there are true marks of finishers in the race of life that we as Church members can follow:
• The mark of vision. "True finishers have the capacity to visualize their objective," he said.
• The mark of effort. "Needed is the capacity to make that second effort when life's challenges lay us low," he explained.
• The mark of faith. "Recognize that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other."
• The mark of virtue. " 'Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly' " (Doctrine and Covenants 121:45). This counsel from the Lord will provide staying power in the race we run."
• The mark of courage. "Have courage … to try, when your arms are too weary," he said.
• The mark of prayer. "When the burdens of life become heavy … communication with our Heavenly Father provides peace," he promised (Thomas S. Monson, "Finishers Wanted" Ensign, June 1989).

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