
Monday, December 6, 2010

This Christmas Let their be More

This Christmas let there be more
Joy in the eyes of children
Not by what comes from the store
But from that which lights up the heavens

Let there be more peace in our homes
Feeling close ties to those we love
Following what charity imparts
Through more prayers to God above

This Christmas let there be less
Loneliness and sorrow
Harsh words that cause distress
And less despair felt for tomorrow

Let there be less bitterness, hate
Quarreling, and strife
Less ill wishing another's fate
And less wasting of life

And at the end of the day
When all is said and done
Let us remember to pray
And give thanks for the Son

Let His name be said
With respect and awe
As through Him we are led
On a path towards God

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