
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stretch Yourself and Smile

Stretch yourself
And form a smile
It will help
When trials pile

here is a poem based on an article
The Golden-Rule Smile By Kathleen Krause Carrington
Kathleen Krause Carrington, "The Golden-Rule Smile", Ensign, Aug. 1989, 24
click on the above post title to go directly to the site
and in remembrance of Christmas shopping

I worked the checkout
The Express- that day
Inside I wanted to shout
Each time there was a delay

All night I found it hard
To keep the customers flowing
A man fumbled with his card
As the line kept on growing

Patiently I smiled
Hi, I said and called him by name
The groceries behind him piled
He wished me well... and I him the same

Once he could not hear me
I apologized for him too
When I'm old one said goldenly
I hope to know a teller like you

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