
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sharing takes Action

Sharing takes action
A whole into parts
Pieced for subtraction
As each then imparts

Cut to the heart
That's what you do
It is like art
Slicing through

One cut per count
But, you can cut right through
If your total amount
Can be divided by two

If not... do your best
Choose your slice last
Slicing equally is a test
Thus...the slices go fast

For some want a lot
Others... they're slender
Me...well I forgot
Licking my finger

What? I woke with this poem running in my head? It must have been the pizza- or was it the pie? All I know is I wrote it on a napkin under my empty glass. Hummm, what makes you thirstier than pizza? I teach we are all scientists. The conclusion is- I am still thirsty!

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