
Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Happiness will NOT Fade

Our happiness will not fade
To lights, music, or the crowd
If consecrations are inner laid
Purely, to God, as one endowed

A man's joy will not spoil
If He knows God and purpose
Being honest, He must toil
While loving all through kind service

Each life on earth is but a gift
Of time and daily choices
O'er which we've stewardship
As it's with God that one rejoices

Then to cultivate a listening ear
Towards the whisperings of the Spirit
As to God's laws one adheres
Striving to heed as well as hear it

Let us each be as fruit filled trees
Come up through soil rich with faith's seed
Continually nourished by a pure stream
Where the love of God, we honor, and daily seek

D. Todd Christofferson
Reflections on a Consecrated Life
Ensign, November 2010

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