
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We Hold in our Arms

We hold in our arms
The rising generation
And labor to disarm
Sin and distraction

As parents and teachers
We work to fan the flame
That spiritually embers
With premortal faith

The stories of Jesus
Are like a rushing wind
Lighting what's inside us
As His teachings embed

For He is the Way,
The Truth, and the Life
Flowing warmly always
Despite troubles and strife

He heals, calms, and feeds
As we seek to be prayerful
According to our needs...
Oh, may we be faithful

Our children will feel much
As we speak our Lord's name
Therein heaven will touch
Light and hope pure to reign

As sure and as certain
As the rising new sun
The heavens are but a curtain
Encircling us with love

Lest their courage grow faint
As to our children, trials try
Let us increase words of faith
And raise our sights ever high

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Elder Neil L. Andersen
Ensign, May 2010, 108

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