
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prayer: Insights from an LDS Mormon Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Imagine hearing the Lord
Saying your name as one adored
While speaking to Father of your needs
I did... and fell gratefully to my knees

With warmth and emotion I then cried
And offered what words I could find
Displaying my life and thoughts to discuss
I prayed to God, humbly, through Jesus

Truly thanking Him for all I have received
I thought of my sins and mournfully grieved
Wanting more to serve Him than any thing in life
I sought for love and sensed warmth and light

Determining to do better, I vowed to pray always
And nightly pursue the lessons of each day
Thus, linking the weeks, months, and years
As the things of the Spirit, to my mind, more appears

Elder David A. Bednar
Pray Always
Ensign, November 2008

click on title to go directly: - Ensign Article - Pray Always

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