
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yea, Though I Walk Through Life Shadowed Much with Death

Yea, though I walk through life shadowed much with death
I fear no evil, feeling God’s comfort and saving breath

For oft before me, He prepares a table in the presence of my enemies
That I might feast as He anoints my head till my cup flows sweetly over
All my days, surely, goodness and mercy has followed me and my family
In faith, I pray that I might see and dwell with Him forever

Yea and recognizing all this pertains to a spiritual sense
I strive to maintain His Spirit for my very soul's existence

Ever, I see His hand although the innocent are hurt ofttimes
As disease and calamities come and afflict all of mankind

I know there are worse things to suffer than mere mortal destruction
For, I often seek divine protection from what would to spiritually harm
According to His time and will, I know He sends pertinent instruction
Yea, I feel preserved through the grace of His mighty reaching arm

Thus, I find I've only myself to blame when my life is in the wrong
Having fallen into the traps of Satan where I know I don't belong

The evils of lust and jealousy are about me in every way
Thus, I pray to God for guidance that temptations stay away

As, all the while, I hold the words of Christ, as I would to a rod
Leading me to safety...lest darkness completely surround
Yea I trust not my own paths for the natural man's an enemy to God
Leaning to His enticings… I yield, that His Spirit can be found

Here and now I vow that to His rod and staff I’ll cling for all my days
And seek for the safety that comes to one who feasts, prays, and obeys

Thank you Christian Rogers. Congrats on your high school graduation!

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