
Sunday, June 13, 2010

What a Wonderful Time that is Ours

What a wonderful time is ours to live
Especially in the summer, when the world comes alive
We've gatherings, picnics, reunions, and vacations
Due to the benefits of prosperity and innovations

We know this land is blessed like no other
Let us serve it well and lift one another
Ours is the greatest history we have ever known
But the challenges of pride are more and more shown

Having become idle, time is being filled with distractions
Some, unto lustful behaviors and evil attractions
Thus, with the blessings of wealth, there comes a warning
To those turned to wickedness, calamities are forthcoming

As brothers and sisters we're a blessed people
Privileged fully with the everlasting new gospel
Happy are we to have a foundation of faith
As with our families we prepare for what ever awaits

In all our associations we should be good
Forming everywhere a sense of brotherhood
We've greater appreciation of knowledge and love
Let us keep the commandments and send prayers high above

Let us not fear the future nor be dismayed
For God is near to strengthen and give us aid
If we heed what our leaders now counsel us
With God we'll be upheld with His hand of righteousness

Thoughts from The Messenger
Shadow Canyon Ward
Henderson NV
Green Valley Stake

Bishop Baird
As members of the church what are we to do?

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