
Saturday, June 5, 2010

John Adams - Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events
It becomes necessary to dissolve political bands
Let it be under God one cements
A nation with liberty raised at hand

There to assume among the powers of earth
A separate and equal station
As God entitles them to rise in worth
With unalienable rights as a nation

Let them, first, submit all facts candidly
Listing how they've suffered from tryanny
Proving what was done underhandedly
Lest their cause be but mutany

This being said, In the chambers of Congress
Twelve voted yea, and one abstained
And America resolved with confidence
That independence must be obtained

For colonies are and ought to be
Free and independent states
With each citizen pursuing happily
What self government, within laws, dictates

Thus, they pledged their lives, their treasure
To fight for liberty to this end
For the highest rights man can measure
Founded upon the laws God does send

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