As refugees, the Saints came to Nauvoo
They set up farms and built anew
A city, a temple, hard work, and order
But soon they were swept from the state's borders
Once again they left behind all
Seemingly to walk into death's jaws
In the middle of winter they were made homeless
Their hearts were broken, but they were not hopeless
With faith in God, their voices rang in song
Their spirits were strong and they carried on
Today, one can walk down that Parley street
Where the pioneers walked out...some with bare feet
And here, nailed to the many fence posts
Are etched from dairies, their faith filled quotes
Not a one dwelled on the suffering of the saints
Theirs were stories only happiness paints
Their words spoke with joy and confidence
Stir all to walk further along the fence
How they rejoiced...their deliverance had come!
Thankful for the atonement and our Father's kingdom
Elder Wilford W. Andersen
The Rock of Our Redeemer
Ensign, May 2010, 16
Hi. Cool site. I too have made poetry out of the talks that the General Authorities have given. Good stuff. peace out.