
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

With Whom Say Ye That I am?

With whom say ye what I am?
Still ringing in their ears
The disciples' trip began
In a ship that the wind steers

Having been with multitudes
Healed and fed by the Lord
Jesus stayed behind to say adieus
And set them off on the sea to fjord

Feeling quite weary
They rested on the ship
The wind grew contrary
And the boat rocked high enough to tip

Jesus descended the mountain crest
Having for hours prayed to His Father
Without a boat...which would be best
He walked directly upon the water

Struggling to keep the boat aright
The disciples saw Him on the sea
Unrecognized...adding to their fright
"Be of good cheer. Be not afraid. It is I," Said He
Oh, how they welcomed Him on this night!

Peter would to walk there, too
He stood with faith... his focus on Jesus helped
But, this proved too hard for him to do
And he started to sink... as fear enveloped

With the wind whipping about
Jesus stretched forth His hand
And taught faith is lost with doubt
As He lifted Peter to stand

Once aboard the rocking boat
The mighty wind soon ceased
New joy in the Lord awoke
As their awe of Him increased

The feeding of multitude...
The walking on the water...
Ever, the Lord did exude
Characteristics of the Father

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