
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where Will You Go?

Where will you go
For truths... to know
If... you walk from God
And His gospel sod

Where will you find
For your family
Covenants that bind
Made eternally

If you turn away now
What of your future
God forever endows
And the Lord is our tutor

The Only True and Living Church

“If someone turns from these restored doctrines, where will he go to learn the true nature of God as taught in the grove of trees? Where will he go to find the doctrines of the premortal existence, baptism for the dead, and eternal marriage? And where will he go to find the sealing powers that can bind husbands and wives and children beyond the grave? “Through Joseph Smith have been restored all the powers, keys, teachings, and ordinances necessary for salvation and exaltation.”
Tad R. Callister, "Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 37

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